I attended EdCamp this weekend, shoutout to #EdCampWake , and just loved it.
EdCamps are so unique in so many ways. The people who attend are clearly excited and passionate about education, or else they wouldn't be wasting a Saturday to be there. There are no presentations or lectures, it is all driven by what the attendees want to learn more about!
I attended 3 sessions: Genius Hour, Technology for Young Learners, and Blogging. Each of these sessions giving me valuable information and new ideas to use moving forward.
My take aways from each:
Genius Hour: Kids are always wondering this and wondering that. They need time to answer these "wonders". Let your guard down, allow for a little chaos, and you will be amazed at what your students can create, discover, and learn!
My Next Step: Create a WonderWall - put it up in my classroom. Students add sticky notes whenever they wonder something. Find a time (or perhaps 2 times!) before the end of the school year to let kids participate in a Genius Hour and find out some answers to these wonders!
Technology for Young Learners: They can do it! #KindersCan use all sorts of technology to help enhance their learning. BrainPOP Jr., Seesaw, Green Screens, Draw & Tell, Shadow Puppet, Little Story Creator, Buncee - you name it, they can probably do it! Don't be afraid to try something new with your kiddos, if it doesn't work, try it again, just in a different way!
My Next Step: Look into BYOD for kinders! Who is currently a BYOD class/school? What suggestions would you have? Any management tips? If that doesn't work, start drafting a grant to get more technology for my little learners!
Blogging: Well, I am writing this post, so clearly this session had some influence on me. I haven't been blogging. I don't know how long I have even had this blog, but I rarely post, and posts have been more product posts than anything else. My excuse: "I don't have time to blog!". Well, that isn't what it is about! My new motto: I need to make time to
My Next Step: What am I doing in my classroom? What went well? What could have gone better? Blog about it! Get my blog up and going again! Add a variety of posts! I have been encouraged to blog about my Flexible Seating in my classroom, so I will be adding that to the blog as soon as all the words come to me. I am hoping that my blog will be used as a reflection tool on a monthly basis and that it can showcase the good, the bad, and the sometimes even ugly.

So, here I am, reflecting, on my experience at #EdCampWake. I look forward to being back in the near future!!
Until next time!
Kelsey Cones
I'm impressed with your urgency to take action! Way to go, Kelsey!
ReplyDeleteIn response to your questions about BYOD, one piece of advice I have is to reflect on your purpose and procedures before rolling anything out so that you can express it clearly to parents and students. Making a "contract" for students to sign about those procedures is beneficial. Having a specific place or parking space for devices when not being used, helps students use them appropriately, not misplace them, and not be distracted by them.
We will see if I can keep it up! Fingers crossed!
DeleteThanks for the advice for BYOD. I have gone back and forth on this, but after hearing some other kinder teachers who have had great success, I am thinking it may be worth a try (perhaps next year, and figure out the details this year). Lots of good advice, thanks Paige!