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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Ideas for Seesaw in a Kindergarten Classroom!

I. am. obsessed! To say the least.

I was introduced to Seesaw this year during one of our "Wonderful Wednesday" optional professional development sessions.  An amazing teacher in our school who knows all the new happenings in the technology/education world was holding an info session on Seesaw - an interactive learning journal that you can use in your classroom.

"It even works for kindergarten!"  Is it just me, or do we hear that ALL. THE. TIME. and it never actually works for us.  Let's face it.  Kindergarten is different *in the best way possible*.

So I went.  And I told myself I would walk on out if I didn't think it would work for my kids.  Not all apps are good for 5 and 6 year olds who can't quite read yet.  Well, I stayed, the whole time.

Trust me. This app works with Kinders!  It is super easy to use.  There are endless ways to use it.  It is just FABULOUS! 

(By the way, you can get a free month of Seesaw plus right here!  It has some really awesome features to help you communicate with parents, prepare for conferences, and track student progress!)

 How to use the seesaw app in your kindergarten classroom!  A list of activities and ideas to use this digital portfolio with your students!  Great iPad app for educators!  Be sure to see the idea for weather!
Here is a list of ways to use Seesaw with your kindergarten students:
(V = video P = photo D = draw)  I often have my students record over any drawings & photos so that they can explain what is going on.

  • Write numbers! (D)
  • Draw a picture to represent a number (D)
  • Compare two sets of objects & orally explain which is more or less (P)
  • Demonstrate 1 to 1 counting & state the number counted (V)
  • Count from 1 - 100 by 1's and 10's (V)
  • Represent & explain teen numbers by using a group of ten and some ones (P)
  • Draw 2-D shapes and record what they are (D)
  • Find 2-D and 3-D shapes in the classroom. Name the shape! (P) (V)
  • Compare two different shapes & orally explain how they are alike and how they are different (P)
  • Place an object somewhere and use positional words to describe where it is (P)
  • Solve an equation in a variety of ways (D)
  • Explain how they solved an equation (V)
  • Show partners of any given number (P)
  • Finish a sentence.  Give them a starter & have them expand it (V)
  • Retell a book (V)
  • Draw the characters in a story (D)
  • Draw the setting of a story (D)
  • Explain how two books are alike and different (V)
  • Answer a question by showing evidence from the book (P)
  • Read a piece of writing (P)
  • Practice writing & reading sight words (D)
  • Read a book (V)
  • Practice fluency (V)
  • Give weather reports (V)
  • Send a message to parents on Valentine's Day (V)
  • Tell parents something new they learned that week (V)
I am sure there are 100's of other ways!  How have you used SeeSaw in your classroom?


  1. I've only used SeeSaw to post pictures of what the students have done, while they explain what it is of. I just got the app last week and am so excited I found your site! I will begin to teach my kids how to use the app so I won't have to be the one posting. Thanks!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I went to the tech conference & learned about this. I am a kinder teacher that fell in love with this. I can't wait to get started & to share!

    1. Use my link and you can get a free month of Seesaw Plus! It has some really awesome features! https://app.seesaw.me/invite/?code=ZvVdi2OliAu5_0cbRz3hbA4y4Q609xFESGRXQ5EyTp4FtFxdpQWYOgO5hzlrsNxdPHU0r56gT54Wkq0meuEV9g%3D%3D&type=REF
