Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Flashlight Friday

Flashlight Friday is a great and simple way to engage the readers in your classroom.  I use this with my kindergarten students and they absolutely love this special activity during reading time!

Flashlight Friday made it to my kinder room this year!

Why?  Students need to read every day.  Reading should be fun.  Flashlights are always fun.  So it is simple..... Reading + Flashlights = FUN

It really is that easy.  We did this week one!  #kindersCAN

Flashlight Friday is a great and simple way to engage the readers in your classroom.  I use this with my kindergarten students and they absolutely love this special activity during reading time!

All you need:
-Flashlights <-- I use these ones and they have held up great so far!  They come with batteries and are the perfect size for my kinders!
-Eager Readers

I introduced Read to Self to my students.  We had practiced building our stamina, reading the pictures, staying in one spot, and reading the whole time. We practiced this during our first week of school.  On Friday, we learned the rules for flashlights!

Simple rules:
Shine the flashlight on your book!
Turn the flashlight off when you are done!

My kinders read wherever they wanted!  Some were in the Antsy Pants house, some tossed their rest towel over a table to build a fort, others were in scoop rockers, and some were just lounging on the floor.

Flashlight Friday is a great and simple way to engage the readers in your classroom.  I use this with my kindergarten students and they absolutely love this special activity during reading time!

"That was super awesome!" -Little Kinder

"Flashlight Friday is my favorite part of the day - even more 'favoriter' than recess" -Another Kinder

I can't wait to continue this tradition for the rest of the year!