Tuesday, February 17, 2015

100th Day Fun!

Here are some quick pictures from our 100th day of school - just a couple of the craftivities that we did!

One of my favorite days is the 100th day of School in Kindergarten!  Check out some simple 100th day Crafts and 100th day of School Snacks that are quick and easy!

One of my favorite days is the 100th day of School in Kindergarten!  Check out some simple 100th day Crafts and 100th day of School Snacks that are quick and easy!
Our 100th day hat!  Last year we tried 100 stickers and it was a mess!  It took so long for the kiddos to pick and place 100 stickers that most of them ended up with 37 or 64 stickers on their hat.  This year, we went with tally marks!  It was a great way to practice making our groups of 5 and counting to 100 by 5s.  It also was much more time efficient (the 100th day of school seems to go by soooo fast).

One of my favorite days is the 100th day of School in Kindergarten!  Check out some simple 100th day Crafts and 100th day of School Snacks that are quick and easy!

100 Gumballs for the 100th day!!  Paint was too messy - so we went with dot markers.  Kiddos were supposed to pick 5 colors and do 20 dots with each color...

Did they do it right?  Probably not...but they practiced counting and they turned out cute anyway :)

Hip Hip Hooray!  We are 100 days smarter!

Teen Numbers!

Daily 3 Math works GRRRREAT for teen numbers!  I have a pack for Daily 3 Math - Teen Numbers that you can check out if you are interested.

I just wanted to share one of the activities from Daily 3 Math - Math Writing that my kiddos have been working on.

They fill in the missing number.  There are a few different sets so that it is easy to differentiate!  WOO!  Some kids might fill in one missing number, while others may only be given one number.  Below are two of the different sets that my kiddos have worked on.

The girl who was working on the pink set did figure out the correct numbers to put in the blank, but I love that it shows how the different sets really reach different levels of learning! 

You can check out this product here!

Have a grrreat day!

All About Shapes!

We have wrapped up our shape unit in Kindergarten this year and I just had to share one of my kiddos FAVORITE activities that we did.

They LOVE working with our interactive board.  These sheets that I have in my Daily 3: Math By Myself - Unit 3: Shapes packet worked wonders with my class this year.

We practiced a few of the sheets on the board and then they were able to practice on the board during center time.  There were hard copies for them to complete after as well.  They just LOVED it!

100th Day!

So this is just a little overdue but I wanted to share with you the WONDERFUL door decoration that my teacher helper made for our class this year.  I found this idea on pinterest and showed it to her and TAAADAAA!  She made a masterpiece.

The kids LOVED it.  Some staff members had to come and crawl through it just to say they did throughout the day.  It was a huge hit and helped to make our 100th day even more memorable!

Hip Hip Hooray!  We are 100 days smarter!